So just a lil catch up on life… It's been happening, but I haven't been able to process it into words. I'm afraid my thoughts are jumbled in my head like spaghetti. I have been asked to speak at a conference in the Spring, so I've been giving my message much thought as I try to navigate through the last month of life.
As many of you know, I was blessed with a trip to cruise the Hawaiian Islands with a close friend of mine from college. While I was on The Road to Hana, I received word that my dear friend back home passed into the Heavenly realm (that's how I like to put it). My eyes welled up with tears as we rounded each of the 1200 curves on this beautiful journey. I was overcome by the compassion expressed toward me from the tour guide, fellow travelers, & my beautiful friend.
As she pointed out, God was caring deeply for me. I was literally in such a beautiful place, I could only picture Elizabeth in Heaven, fully healed, no more suffering, no more pain. Why my God cares enough to orchestrate such details in my life is more than I can fathom. I said good-bye to Elizabeth in my heart the Friday before I left. I told her I would see her when I returned, but somehow I knew I'd had my special moment with her. Thank you, God.
Our first stop after I received word from my husband was a botanical garden. It was there that I took a picture to honor Elizabeth with the brightest most beautiful pink flowers I have ever seen. As we continued on The Road to Hana, I became keenly aware of our God's creativity. The black sand beaches with white foam & blue waters took my breath away.
So here's where I try to connect my thoughts… I recently ran across this quote while doing my Bible Study, "What if earth; Be but the shadow of Heaven, and things therein; Each to the other like, more than on earth is thought?"