Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Voice of Truth...

Sometimes it's hard to discern the voice of truth. Sometimes it's hard to hear the voice of truth. Sometimes we don't want to hear the voice of truth. Just what is the voice of truth? I believe the voice of truth is just that, TRUTH. Sometimes we live lies that we feed ourselves or perhaps the lies come from people we love (or at least have an impact on our life). I've always been told... "The truth will set you free." What if the truth is bad news? Will it still set you free?

I have found that the TRUTH, whatever it is, does set you free. I think it is important that we seek the truth, hold on to it, & live accordingly. The truth can hurt. It's a reality check. If we don't know the truth, we cannot deal with reality.

How do I find the truth? I seek God, & I pray & pray until I find a sense of peace. If the truth is sad, the truth is... I am not alone in my trial. Last night as I was fretting over the outcome of a medical test of one of my loved ones, the revelation came... "You are not alone. I am here for you, & I will not leave your side." Wow! My fears settled as I began to grasp that truth. I have a God who doesn't promise me an easy answer, but He does promise He will not leave my side. In fact, He goes before me, in me, with me, & all around me. He will give me the strength to get through each trial. That's peace. It's peace that surpasses my understanding.

We all face uncertainties. It could be a decision we are trying to make, a relationship, a job, a test, a health issue, how to help a loved one, ... I have found that if I seek God's guidance, & persevere, my answer, my peace will come. How will it come? Maybe through a another person, possibly through a song,  through someone's written word, or even through a quiet voice in my head that I know as conviction. When the truth finally seeps in, I get it, & I become unwavering in my decision. I thank God for I know, once again, He has delivered. He has kept His promise, & my peace returns.


  1. Isaiah 41;13
    I am holding you by your right hand, I the Lord your God and I say to you, don't be afraid, I am here to help you.
    I have had many doctor visits and tests the last few months. I close my eyes and ask the Lord to hold my hand and see me through this.
    Prayers for you!

  2. I am leaving you with a gift - PEACE of mind and heart. And the PEACE I give you isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid. John 14:27

    May we all come to know that Peace in all our circumstances. Susie, I pray continued Peace for you.
    Thank - you for sharing this incredible truth!
    Prayers continue for you!

  3. recently i started watching the truth project and in the first lesson he talks about a concept i hadn't ever fully put together before. He says that another name for Jesus is Truth. That several times throughout the bible Jesus refers to himself as the Truth. John 14: 6 "I am the way the Truth and the life." or Revelation 19:11 " Then i saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And he who sat on him was called Faithful and True." I just loved thinking about Jesus and Truth as synonyms. "The truth [Jesus] will set you free" Simple and yet so beautiful.

    Susie thank you for sharing! You have always been such a great role model for me! Praying for you and your family.

    "For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth." -John 18:37

  4. Susie, Both of your entries are so awesome and so awe inspiring for me. YOU life me up and it should be the other way around. I think you should compile all your entries into a book. What a wonderful devotional it would make. I look so forward to reading what you write. I will be home before your surgery and would love to visit you in the hospital if that would be ok. Just let me know if it's ok and where to visit. I love you, dear friend. You are such an inspiration to anyone suffering any kind of illness.

  5. Thank you Susie! Even though I know this about TRUTH, it never hurts to hear it again. I had the beginning of some tests today and have been fearful and anxious. I need to stop worrying and to focus on GOD'S TRUTH. You inspire me! God bless you and again, thank you!
