Long before there was photoshop, my mother photoshopped. I distinctly remember a picture she regretted because she thought it enlarged her waist line. She took a fine point sharpie & colored a centimeter or so off her middle. She was quite happy with the results.
Isn't this what we do in life? We let people get a glimpse of what we want them to see. We protect our image & don't let the world see who we really are. As a result, barriers are built, & we sometimes never break through the walls.
Why do we do this? I believe it's because we fear rejection. People are judgmental & love to "put their 2 cents in". We pay a big price for being ourselves. It hurts, & we begin to photoshop just another little piece out of our picture.
Sometimes, in our journey through life, somebody takes time to reinforce our fragile spirit, & we begin to see the picture God designed for us. We realize that rather than photoshopping our self portraits, maybe we should let God help us paint our picture. After all, he longs for us to prosper & has the original blueprint for our life.
This is an excellent post Susie. We do let others see the part of us that we want them to see and the rest is kept private.