Tuesday, May 1, 2012

my little godson & his mama

13 out of 33 completed. 20 more to go. The countdown is on. Each day gets me one day closer to the end of radiation. Yesterday I was accompanied by 2 of my favorite people, my dear friend and her precious little boy, my godson. He's 2. He brought 2 of his favorite companions, Percy & James. He played choo choo while I had radiation. He brightened up the whole place. The nurses were unaccustomed to hearing his sweet giggles & his choo choo sounds. This lil guy prays for me daily, & when my name was called for radiation, he looked up at his mama & asked, "Susie sick?"

We had to wonder what he understands at his innocent young age. He came into my life when he was adopted (about a year & 1/2 ago). His mother (my husband's radio co host) bestowed perhaps the greatest honor on me I have ever known. She asked us to be his godparents. We didn't have to think; we just responded with a resounding "yes." Loving this little boy has been one of my greatest joys. His personality is heartwarming. He's a very loving little boy with a heart that overflows with joy. Like every small child, each day is a new adventure.

His Mama may be my husband's cohort, but to me she is an answer to prayer. I say this for many reasons. She is the perfect match for his personality, like a daughter but without any family baggage. I liked her from the start. Not only is she talented, she has a mind which is filled with so many amazing facts. She thinks about things Ive never pondered. She accepts others without question. She cooks amazing dishes with ingredients I didn't know were edible. She loves her precious gift from God, her little boy, more than life.

When she asked me to be his godmother, I was at a low point in my life. We were almost empty nesters, & I was leaving my position as a youth leader, something I loved doing. I was experiencing a double loss, & I wasn't quite sure how I would fill my time. This little boy not only occupied some of my time, he occupied space in my heart that would heal some of my wounds. Being his godmother was God's way of letting me know I still mattered. Because of this precious little child, I had reason to love. Loving him, being his godmother, has been one of my greatest blessings. Yesterday, as he accompanied me to my treatment, I felt like I was the happiest person on the hospital grounds.


  1. Susie, You are the OPPOSITE of lame! There's not a really good antonym in the thesaurus for lame, maybe "able-bodied". In your case, it's "able-spirited". Ok, I just made that up. Your blogs are wonderful. You write beautifully, blissfully honestly. They are joy to read and think about.

    Romans 8:38-9 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height not depth, nor anything else in all Creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  2. You are so sweet. Making you his godparents was the smartest decision I ever made, next to adopting my son. :) I love you! We are the blessed ones. :)

