Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How do I even begin to explain?

How do I even begin to explain what I am beginning to learn about my ailments? I spent an hour today getting a nutritional consultation which many in the medical field would disregard. A huge discrepancy exists  between these 2 worlds, that is the world of medicine & the world of nutrition. How am I (the patient) to know what to do?

As I've said before, I have little or nothing to lose. I have cancer. I have Ulcerative Colitis & Osteoarthritis, & even high cholesterol. My biggest concern right now is my elevated liver enzymes (a sign of inflammation in the liver). I believe that anyone of these nasty diseases would qualify me to give the nutritional world some consideration. As I said in my last blog, I've managed to acquire all of these illnesses while trying to eat what I thought was healthy or at least adequate. How wrong I have been!

It's NOT rocket science to look at my whole picture & see that I clearly have a problem with inflammation. Research shows that my issues can be helped by going gluten free. Apparently, I also have sensitivity to the following: dairy, sugar, egg yolks, & red meat. The man I met with today believes that I need to be free of these 5 ingredients to heal my leaky gut.

We are talking about a life change, not a temporary thing that adds back certain ingredients after time. It baffles me because the above ingredients do not make me feel sick, fatigued, or sore. That being the reason it's taken me this long to give this life change a chance. I pretty much eat what tastes good, avoid things that upset my stomach (like onions & spice) & try to be healthy. I do indulge in goodies as I see fit.

This new diet will be a challenge for me in educating myself. Reading labels is tricky. Sugar goes by so many names. I think it is the sneakiest ingredient of all. I don't like eggs, & red meat seldom appeals to me (however I do like a Steak-n-Shake burger now & then).  I will now be drinking a protein shake twice a day which heals inflammation. I will be reading labels as if my life depended on it. Perhaps it does.

My salad dressing will be olive oil. Blanched almonds will be my snack. I'll enjoy a little fruit, but only 1/2 a serving/day. Lots of wild fish, shrimp, & scallops will be my delight. Free range chicken & nitrate free bacon pass the test. Pork is okay too. Almond milk & coconut milk will replace cow's milk. Coconut oil will replace shortening. Almond flour will be my new flour. Sugar is out, & I will miss it. Greek yogurt is in (I'm thankful). Ghee butter is my new butter. Organic peanut butter & almond butter are good. Veggies are encouraged. Green tea & water are good. Nothing processed. Organic is best.

This is a tremendous amount of information for my little mind to digest (not to mention my gut). It's my choice, & based on what I was told today, the medical world will give me little support. After all, there are no double blind studies to prove any of the above, just a lot of research & many healed patients. Unbeknownst to me, the 5 ingredients I have just been denied have been reeking havoc on the inside of my body, causing it to go into a panic mode (trying to fight off cancer, inflammation, & only God knows what).

So... I'm sorry to give my blog readers TMI, but it's the only way I know to explain what I learned today. I'm quite sure some of my readers & loved ones will think I am going over board. Some will think I've gone off the deep end. But I ask... what really do I have to lose? What would anyone with an ounce of common sense do if they had my list of ailments?


  1. I think you are one smart cookie, Susie Brown~!!! Love you and thinking of you, as always! :)

  2. Awe... thanks, Sherry! Hope you are having fun!
