Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending one of the most precious birthday parties I've ever experienced. My little Godson is turning 3. His party was at one of my favorite locations, Chuck E. Cheese. At 3, he's just catching on to what birthday parties are all about. He didn't quite understand waiting to open his presents. His cake was set in front of him, but he had to wait to blow his 3 candles out. He blew them out 1 at a time. The kind hostess relit them, & again, he blew them out 1 at a time.
He preferred not to wear his birthday crown. In fact, he refused. He didn't think being adorned with a birthday medal was a necessity either. Being the good sport that his mom is, she let him open a few presents early, wore the birthday crown herself, & even sported the cute Chuck E. Cheese birthday medal around her neck.
The funniest part had to be the Ticket Blast. It's like a simulated hurricane. You put on safety glasses & step in the space shuttle (so to speak). Air starts blowing all around you while you try to grab tickets. What a blast! The birthday boy held on for dear life. He kept screaming "All done.... all done!" Thankfully, it only took a few minutes, & the wind stopped. He & his momma stepped out with wind blown hair, a few tickets, & 2 great big smiles. We had to applaud them!
Aside from all the fun, & just being in the presence of my adorable Godson, this party had an extra sweet element. 3 of the little boys (my Godson included) are all adopted from Russia. Their lives have been redeemed. From orphans to dearly loved little boys with the hope of a bright future. As much as their lives have changed, they have changed the lives of their parents.
I was honored to witness such a precious birthday party. I am in awe of these parents who have gone to the ends of the earth for these little boys. Their story is redemption. Out of hurt, sadness, desperation, or for whatever reason, these 3 little boys were cast aside, left as orphans. For other unknown reasons, these parents found a way to find these beautiful little boys. Yes... what a precious gathering!
It was an honor to be in your presence as well, Susie! I just love your story of triumph through Christ as well. You have such a precious spirit. I enjoyed talking to you and Rob, as well! Much love and we need to do it again soon!