Simple things mean the most. This week I got to be "Grandma" to a little third grade girl who's Grandma lives out of town. Wow! What an honor! I had big shoes to fill. It was Grandparents Day at her school. I arrived a little early in case the parking lot was full. It was. I waited in the foyer with all of the other Grandparents, allowing the classroom teachers time to take attendance & such.
After a few moments, we were permitted to find our Grandchild's classroom. I found mine with ease & was greeted by the sweetest, cutest face in the whole school. She was so happy to see her "fill-in Grandma." I couldn't have been more excited myself. She gives the best hugs in the school too!
I sat by her desk, & we enjoyed a big, fat cinnamon roll & some slushy apple juice. Delish! First, she interviewed me about my life. I loved the questions about how things have evolved over the years. She seemed genuinely shocked when I told her my generation didn't have computers or cell phones. I loved the look of surprise on her face.
We played a few games, just the 2 of us. She showed me around her classroom & introduced me to her beloved teacher. We went to the gym for pictures. My favorite part was the picture we drew together. She loved my artwork; I could only laugh. She didn't understand that my art skills stopped right about 3rd grade. I guess that's how she could honestly think I had any talent. She drew herself & me. I drew the dog & the cat. She colored in the sky with a pretty sunshine. I got the grass & the rainbow. Teamwork at its best!
The time passed quickly, & soon it was time for me to go. I hugged my little sweetie good-bye. It truly was the highlight of my week. I saw a few friends from the past. They were shocked I was a grandparent. I explained that I was just filling in, but that I could easily be a Grandma. I loved the simplicity of the morning. It was just a meaningful time spent together doing simple things. I think I've found my calling.
Sounds like a perfect day, Susie! I think you have many callings and like you, I can't wait for this one! :)