Saturday, November 3, 2012


This journey of mine certainly has it's highlights and its lowlights. I feel as though the meaningfulness of every aspect of my life has been enhanced, & I think that is the sweetest gift of all. Some moments are especially tender & heart wrenching while others are exceedingly joyful. It's mind boggling how such deep emotions can occur almost simultaneously & even be connected.  It seems to me that in the most tender moments come the most touching acts of kindness from my loved ones.

These acts of kindness may not be earth shaking to others, but to me, they are breathtaking & truly lift my spirits. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed. In the last few days (since my latest surgery), I have been the recipient of some sweet deeds. First of all, I wasn't really dreading this surgery because my doctor is kind. He is skilled, but equally important to me, he is kind. There is no question I cannot ask him. His kindness removes my fear.

Secondly, when I go off to surgery, I alway have my husband with me. His teddy bear like quality comforts me, & he makes it a point to be extra sweet during these times. I know walking this road with me, is not an easy journey for him or one he would have chosen. However, I know I need him, & I wouldn't want to walk it with any one else. There is nothing I cannot tell him & pretty much nothing I haven't told him. I know he's got my back, & I rest with that peace.

My youngest daughter came home from college for my surgery (without being asked). She has spent the last 2 days doting on me & looking after my needs. I love our conversations & just seeing her do her thing. Last night her dear friend came over, & we visited for an hour or two. I haven't laughed that hard or that much in so long. I'm still smiling this morning. Laughter really is good for the soul.

My husband's work sent me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, all in pinks with a cute teddy bear wearing a pink ribbon shirt. I answered the door, & the florist was so happy to deliver these pretties. The meaning expressed in these flowers touched right to my heart. The prayers said on my behalf truly have carried me. FB is a wonderful tool for prayer & for the expression of kindness. It also adds meaning to my life.

People have delivered goodies & even made a few meals. Again, I feel pampered & loved. I've also had a few visitors that have come to check on me. My oldest daughter & her hubby came the night of my surgery, & a dear friend who is like a son to me stopped by yesterday. Phone calls & text messages have abounded. My middle daughter always brightens my day on her way to & from work calling to check on me & let me know I'm gonna make it. God made my daughter a nurse. I don't deserve such love.

I share all of this to say... if you have a loved one on a similar journey, please take time to be sweet to them. A little TLC goes a long way. As I sit this morning on my couch sipping a warm cup of tea, wrapped in a soft  pink blanket delivered to my doorstep by a caring friend the morning of my surgery, I know that as I look back on this surgery, my memories will be sweet. Instead of envisioning bruises & aches & pain, I will see the faces of the people I love. Their caring words & their kindness covers a multitude of anxiety & pain. It makes all the difference in how you face your trials. It makes sweet memories.

PS  Thanks to all who have doted on me. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. We all love you, Susie! Your sweetness and beauty shines through in every word you type! <3
