Thursday, December 20, 2012

carry on...

Stress seems to be finding me lately. I have not invited stress to sit on my shoulders, tighten my back muscles, cause me sleepless nights, a run down feeling, & inner turmoil. No... stress is an unwelcomed part of life. It seems to be "dogging" a lot of people during this Christmas season. I know I am not the only one feeling it.

Last night when I went to bed, my husband told me to focus on the dog. I chuckled to myself but decided to take his advice. After all "Otis" had just had his Christmas bath & was snuggled up next to me. I put my hand on his soft head & let him comfort me. As I stroked his soft ears, I began to relax & drift off into a calm sleep.

I have found that time spent with loving people also helps refresh my spirit. Laughter is the best medicine. Just knowing someone cares helps immensely. Having something to look forward to seems to take my focus off unpleasant thoughts. Of course, music is a wonderful reliever of stress. Sometimes, a scripture will come to mind which soothes my weary soul...

"Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you" is one of my favorites. Knowing I can lay my burdens down at the feet of Jesus at anytime is a gift from God. When things are out of my control, prayer offers me comfort. It is both the least & the most I can do. It's the least because it's the easiest thing to do. It's also the first action I should take. It's the most because God has the whole picture & can miraculously touch his healing hand upon any situation or soul.

Sometimes just carrying on is the only option. Knowing that we don't carry on alone brings peace. God's presence is the most I can hope for & is better than any outcome. So when things are out of my reach, when there is nothing I can do to change a situation, I must rest in Him. Once I realize this, I always feel better.


  1. I understand where you are coming from, Susie! Sometimes the stress and feelings of anxiety are so overwhelming, yet while we are so lucky to have families and friends that love us and care, the feelings still come. I wish you a wonderful Christmas and I can't wait to get together soon! I love you and miss you! Sherry

  2. Sherry, I can't wait either. I love you, Susie

    PS Thanks for understanding & taking time to comment. Merry Christmas!
