Thursday, March 7, 2013


FreshStart I thank God that He is a God of recycling, renewing, refurbishing... I love when  people are willing to share their story. I love to see how God has worked in their  life. Truth is... He is alive & working in every person's life. The question is whether or not we recognize the work of His mighty hand. I believe we are all on a spiritual journey; however we sometimes miss this aspect when we take time to process our past.

Sometimes, people will claim that they are not spiritual. They would rather place their faith in science. Perhaps it's the Big Bang theory that satisfies their need to know how our world began. Some choose Satan. Others place their hope in what they call a higher being. Some even choose to put their faith in another human being. Others simply admit they just don't know.

Whatever the case, whatever we believe... we all are on a spiritual journey. Just because we decide we are not, does not make it so. Just because a person would rather not believe there is an afterlife, does not mean there is none. It actually takes more faith not to believe than it does to believe in God. It's like paddling upstream. It's like frowning instead of smiling.

Why do I say this? I believe if we open our hearts, our mind, & our eyes, all of creation points to a Heavenly Father. He causes the wind to blow, the waves to wash up on the shore, the sun to set, & the sun to rise. I believe He fearfully & wonderfully knits a baby together in his mama's womb. A baby has personality before he/she is born. Even his temperament belongs uniquely to him.

So what does it take to deny Christ? It takes turning your back on the Holy Bible. It takes looking at nature & refusing to believe our Heavenly Father created it & gave us dominion over it. It takes hearing the cry of a new born baby & believing nature or nothing is responsible for this little miracle. It takes living our eartlhy life without the hope of heaven. It means great uncertainty about our eternal life. It leaves us without prayer (a life line to God).

If you are reading this blog, & you fall into the category of trying to live a nonspiritual life, I beg you to reconsider. With Christ in your heart, you can have unexplained peace you have never known (in spite of your circumstances). You can have the assurance of Eternal Life in Heaven (no more tears, no more suffering). You can live your life with a purpose unmatched by any other cause. What really do you have to lose?

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