I would be remiss if I didn't share a little bit about yesterday. As some of my friends know, I spent the day with a dear friend in court. Yes... I was in over my head. I'm not going to pretend to be familiar with legal terms, protocol, or anything that happened yesterday. I was just "there" plain & simple, to support my friend.
It was a long day! We arrived just before 9am & left after 1 pm. I had to feed the parking meter during a short break. 2 hours was not enough time. My friend was almost the last to be heard. We watched case after case after case. I can't imagine how a daily routine of case after case impacts the lives of those who participate in running our legal system.
Some crimes seemed worse than others (at least in my eyes). The whole scene made me wonder if there would be a few similarities with Judgement Day, the day we meet face to face with our Maker, & must be accountable for the way we've lived our lives. To me that means my thoughts, my words, my actions... Basically the condition of my heart, my soul, my all in all.
Yes, if I have trusted in Christ, I am forgiven. I will have a dwelling place in Heaven. There will be no more suffering, no more tears, no more worries... Sounds too good to be true, but it's not. However, if I understand scripture correctly, I will have to face my history, & I don't think any excuses will excuse my bad behavior. Yes... God has the whole picture, & He knows even better than I do what has shaped me into the woman I am today, bur only I can be accountable for my sins.
We all know that nothing I can do makes me worthy of this Heaven that surpasses all of my understanding. I will only be there because I trusted in Christ, the Son of God, who suffered & died for each of my big & small sins. He paid my debt. I will be getting into Heaven ONLY because of Him. When I ponder this, I am so ashamed of my sins, both the ones that seem trivial to me, & the ones which really matter. Truth is... they ALL matter.
So... as I watched these offenders approach the judge one at a time to hear their crimes read aloud, I shuddered. Is this what it will be like the day I hear my crimes read aloud? I will be in the presence of Purity with my impure heart. I will have to be accountable for the things I've thought, the things I've said, the things I've done.