Tomorrow is an exciting day for me. Hopefully it will be on the local news! Pink Surviors: The Book will be released. The 20 authors will be present, ready to sign books. You see, it all began a year ago. Well... at least the beginning of our book. A few women were invited to be Pink Promise models. We modeled clothing while our stories were shared. Loved ones cheered us on. Proceeds went to Susan G. Komen. After all, we all owe our lives to this organization's research.
The treatments I received for my aggressive cancer were based directly on her research. My tumor was estrogen positive & fast growing. Immediately I was barraged with terms that sounded like a foreign language to me. I was overwhelmed. I was stunned. I was beside myself. I remained that way for a year, I think. I was denied a PET scan so I never really got a complete prognosis. In the blink of an eye... my life was turned upside down.
My story (along with the stories of 20 other Survivors) are shared in this book. It is written to be HOPE for other Survivors. I think it could stand for HOPE for anyone. These women are fighters. In the short time that I have been a Survivor (2 years now), I have seen others suffer. I read through the first blog I ever wrote. In it, I talked about how hard it was for me to see my family suffer with my news. That was the worst.
Sometimes I think it is unfair to other Cancer Survivors that breast cancer gets so much attention. But then... I think of the many new stories of Survivors that have occurred just since my diagnosis, & I know we are not getting too much attention. No... breast cancer is running rampant! That is the problem.
We need continued research. We need to stomp out this terrible disease which robs women of their lives, not to mention their dignity, their security, their body parts, their joy, & so. much. more! I am grateful for my story, my journey, but let me make it clear, I wish it on no other soul. If I ever have to see my daughters go through this, a part of me will die. That is my greatest fear.
If you buy this book, it will help our cause, which one day may be your cause. More than that, it stands for HOPE. It is 20 expressions of HOPE. 20 beautiful fighters sharing their stories, how they survived & continue to survive. I opened the book & read the first entry. It is a poem written by the Survivor who had the vision for this book. I read it, & I cried inside. Why? Because it expressed feelings I've had for the last year that I haven't been able to articulate. It ministered to me. Suddenly, I felt whole again.
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