New Year's Eve is only a few days away. It's a good time to reflect, a time to self-evaluate & think about a goal for the coming year. There are always the resolutions about losing poundage. Sometimes, they are about exercise & health (always good goals). In my youth leader days, I used to have the youth write & sign their resolutions. We would place them under lock & key. A year later, we would open them, & see if we met our goals. More likely, if we even remembered what they were.
I want my resolution to be meaningful. I want it to be unforgettable. I want it to be something I think about daily & truly try to achieve. Otherwise, why even bother? I'm all about good health, but I want my resolution to be about refining my heart. Is there something I need to change? Well…yes, of course. If my answer were no, I wouldn't be telling the truth.
Actually, I have a multitude of choices. So which one will I choose? Sometimes, changing an outward practice, perhaps a new discipline, can help change us on the inside? Just food for thought. I have something in my life many people don't have. Well, truly a lot of things (some others would want & some I couldn't pay others to take). Just a bit of humor & truth. But… what I'm speaking of here is TIME.
A friend once told me, "We all have the same amount of time; it's what we choose to do with it." That really is the truth. I don't think I have always chosen well. I have wasted time in so many ways. Sometime it's been through worry. Other times, shopping. Sometimes, I spin my wheels. I avoid making a healthy meal because I get caught up in other things. I love to be spontaneous, to fly by the seat of my pants, & sometimes it bites me in the seat of my pants.
So, this year, 2015, I want to make better use of my time. Less wheel spinning, less shopping, healthier cooking, fewer excuses. I'm not gonna lie. This will be hard for me. I think I will try to read a few books. I can't wait to get back to my Small Group Ladies. I am going to try to be more responsible but still a kid at heart. I don't want to lose my spontaneity. It's a gift from my mom. I just want to try harder to do the right thing & not the "Susie" thing.
Next year, I will go back & read this. I will let you know how I did. Love you all & Happy New Year!
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