"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (or women) to do nothing" (Edmund Burke). I believe that everybody has the right to their own opinion about life. I am not mad at others for their beliefs. Sometimes, however, I cannot help but wonder how they arrived at their conclusions. Just out of sheer curiosity, if nothing else. I love conversation with people who have differing opinions. I think it's a true sign of friendship when you can lovingly discuss your differences & still love each other.
I want to share a little story… Sometimes you have no way of knowing how a person feels until you wear their shoes. As a cancer survivor, I suffer with longterm effects of chemo therapy. When I share my suffering with one of my doctors & ask for her input, the best I get is, "At least you're alive." Those 4 words may be true. In fact, they are true. However, they are not the least bit comforting. They even incite a bit of anger in my generally non angry person. I believe these words minimize my suffering. I am grateful to be alive. I thank this doctor for saving my life. However, I want her to listen to me & help me. I don't want her to dismiss my troubles with, "At least you're alive."
Now, let's talk about the issue at hand. My Dad whom I love dearly, used to say, "Do right, be right & everything will be alright." I wish this statement were true. Everything is not alright in this world, & everything is certainly not alright in my life. I have spent my life trying to do right, & still I have hardships that others don't have. My Dad spent his life trying to do right, & he died of lung cancer. Many people try to make a difference in this world, but it doesn't make everything right. In fact, sometimes they lose their life for a cause. Sometimes they lose the respect of others who think they are crazy or misinformed.
Truth is… our world is full of social injustices whether we are aware of them or not. Just because we have managed to create a good life for ourselves does not mean that others aren't suffering. If we pretend that people in this world aren't hurting, that does not change the fact that people are hurting. If we ignore their cries for help or minimize their suffering, that does nothing. If we say they brought their troubles on themselves, that may be true or not, but then we must ask the question,"Why did they bring harm on themselves?" Always, there is a reason.
Our world is full of prejudices, but until we walk in another man's shoes, we have no idea. Since cancer, I have experienced some odd looks & received some hurtful comments from well meaning people. They just have no idea. So… if you don't want to "dig in" & love hurting people, maybe that is not your calling. Maybe you could pray for them. Maybe you could donate to a cause which reaches out to them. But please, at least open your yes, look outside the world you were blessed enough to create at this time in your life, & admit that people hurt. Everyone is not in a good place, & most likely, the root of their hardships is not their own doing. And please, don't slam another person for caring.
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