So here's what was said to me in a restaurant a few days ago... I ordered ice tea & water. The waitress did not give me a straw. So... I asked her for one. She offered me 1 or 2. I asked her for 2, one for each glass. In return, she lectured me on recycling. She said straws were a luxury, & furthermore, she couldn't understand why anyone needed a straw. She then went on to say that people waste plastic bags all the time by only putting one grocery item in them. By the time she finished, I regretted having ever asked for a straw. I wished I'd just sipped right out of my glass. Oh well... hind sight is always 20/20.
It reminded me of an incident that happened months ago in my favorite department store. I was returning an item. Their policy is no hassle returns. This woman (behind the customer service counter) began sniffing my item of clothing. I was like... really? I inquired as to why she was sniffing my return item. Her answer: "You wouldn't believe what people try to return." Okay, I admit it; I was offended.
I'm not sure if I am just in a place in my life right now, a place where I get slapped in the face regularly with circumstances out of my control, slapped in the face with the unexpected. Maybe I need to get a life? Seriously, both of these situations caught me off guard & troubled me. I find it inappropriate to lecture a person on recycling for requesting 1 straw for each drink. I also find it inappropriate to sniff a customer's clothing upon return. Is it just me? Am I too sensitive?
As I laugh at these situations now, I must ask myself: Do I do the same to other people? I certainly hope I don't. That kind of treatment of another person elicits a response that makes one feel small. It's degrading & unnecessary. I have to apply this same "straw theory" to my faith now. That waitress was shoving her view on recycling down my throat. She had a worthy burden, but her approach was disarming. Do I do the same to others with my faith? I certainly hope not! Yes... I want to share what sustains me so that others too can be sustained. I don't want to have the opposite impact because of my approach.
Susie, you share with such transparency and love, and live what you believe. Sorry, but no waitress should be lecturing anyone, but rather serving the food, and a dose of kindness along with it, so we want to return. Often even when the food is not the best I go back because of the service. Yes, one person can make such a huge impact. So whether you are a waitress, or bartender, teacher, or nurse, people respond to your approach.
ReplyDeleteHow can I serve you? What can I do to lighten your load?
"People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care"...was a quote I heard once.
Susie, thank -you for sharing what you have lived with, and are living through, with such grace, and faith that it continually speaks to me.
And you know it's clearly contagious...and something I desire to catch again and again.
Keep spreading the love Susie!