Sunday, April 1, 2012


It's been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. I think this statement quite possibly could be true. When you look into the eyes of a fellow human being, what you see can be revealing. I wonder what people see when they look into my eyes. I am more aware of my eyes than I have ever been. Perhaps it is because they ache & don't feel quite right. Maybe it's because in losing my hair, they have become more of a focusing point.

I love to look into the eyes of others & attempt to grasp their emotions for the moment. Perhaps there is a sparkle. Are their eyes worn? Maybe they are tearing up or being deceitful. Sometimes they have become dim as the years have taken their toll. I love to see a gleam in the eyes of a child. One can only wonder what  is going on inside that small head. Then there's that look of wonder. Maybe the person is concentrating & intensity is what his eyes express.

We can't really know what is going on in another persons' head.  People often try to mask their inner self. Honesty comes at a price. How will others react? Will I be rejected? If I really told you how I'm feeling, you wouldn't get it. You might even think I'd lost my mind.

Lately, I've had many situations where I felt numb. I tried to mask my reaction because I needed time to figure out what was truly going on inside my heart & soul. Sometimes I don't want to burden others. Other times, my thoughts evolve as I process my news, & my feelings are ever changing. Then there are the moments when my feelings are just too raw to expose.

I know God knows my heart even better than I. After all, he crafted this complexity & is the lover of my soul. When I can't figure myself out or get a handle on my emotions, I know He is by no means in shock or confused. He is the ultimate Counselor & Comforter. I am not complex to Him. I am just a fragile little soul He has for some reason chosen to create.

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