Thursday, May 22, 2014


Dear Team Sweet Potatas,

Together we raised $11217.74! Yes… that's 11 thousand 2 hundred 17 dollars & 17 cents! I am beside myself! That's 11 thousand 2 hundred 17 dollars & 17 cents that will go to research to eradicate breast cancer! My goal was $5000. God is full of good surprises, & so are you! Research has already saved my life & given so much life to many of my beloved friends.

None of us have a crystal ball. We don't know who will be next or if our own breast cancer will metastasize. We do know that research saves lives. If we are Survivors, we do know our lives have been saved. Some of us have been given more time,  time to raise our precious children, time to see our grandchildren, time to heal & even become pregnant. Time on earth is precious!

I believe we need to make the moments of our life count (that is for eternal value). It's the "little things" that give life meaning. It's just being present. It's spending time with loved ones. It's striving to heal the burdens of suffering souls. Maybe it's just brightening someone's day, planting flowers, taking a deep breath on a warm summer day. It might be an ice-cream with a friend. Whatever it is… research gives us time. Time gives precious moments. We Survivors thank all who have contributed to our cause, who have given us time.

For years I participated in The Race for The Cure with my young daughters (always with a lump in my throat). Little did I know I would one day walk for myself & so many dear sisters (that is Survivor Sisters). Little did I know my small contributions would help save my own life, would give me precious moments. Little did I know how important Susan G. Komen would one day be to me.

The day of diagnosis is the day you go into s surreal state of mind; post traumatic shock is on it's way. You are bombarded with so much, you cannot breathe. It's all a foreign language. You will never be the same. You are vulnerable. You feel isolated. Even though you are surrounded by people who love you, you are alone. Fear sets into your heart & your eyes. Courage becomes your motto. Hope becomes your stronghold. Faith becomes exceedingly more important than it was yesterday. "Second guessing" becomes your pass time. "What did I do to bring this on myself?"

It's a delicate set of circumstances. You will never be the same, but you will be better. You immediately become a Survivor. You have a sister ship with others. A kindred spirit is already in place. This bond is strong (but not stronger than your faith). People are there to help you, to love you, to take your hand & walk each tender step with you. People who care. They may not understand your specifics, but they are willing to try. Let them help.

Today I am speaking on behalf of my Survivor Sisters & myself… I'm just trying to give each participant, each person who contributed (whether financially, in prayer, or through kind words), a great big hug & a thank you. I never imagined my Team Sweet Potatas would raise 11 thousand 2 hundred 17 dollars & 17 cents (not in my wildest dreams). I know your donations were a sacrifice, a choice, a gift of love. I feel as though you have all wrapped your arms around me & shouted a great big "I love you!" Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

With sincerity & love,


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