Friday, August 10, 2012

a once in a lifetime day...

Today was a once in a life time kind of day. The 3 of us met. We were house mates 32 years ago in college. Lots has happened since then, & it was fun to look back. We had to laugh at our immaturity. We reminisced. We remembered. We picked up right where we left off. It took all of 2 seconds to get beneath the surface. It honestly felt as though we were back in college.

In the last 28 years, each of us has married. We have all had children. We have all taught school. 2 of us have married off some of our children, & one of us is even a grandma. We each have a faith that has only deepened since our young college days. Hearing each other's heartaches & joys was beyond what  words can say...

Yes... life has taken it's toll on each of us (not exactly in the same way), but we are not the young teens we were when we met. We have practically raised our children, & we are no longer the young moms we were when we met in our early married years. Our children have melted our hearts, & we savored every moment of their childhood. We miss those early years, but seeing them as young adults is beyond anything we could ever have imagined.

As we sat at our restaurant table, we had no little ones to interrupt us. We didn't have to excuse ourselves to take them to the restroom. No one had to be shushed. We had 3 hours to ourselves. How could it be we felt shortchanged? We could easily have talked for 3 more hours. When we parted, I felt so refreshed. I was so excited to see these 2 ladies, but my expectations were exceeded.

Why am I so refreshed by the time we spent together? I don't know if it's our level of trust, or our bond in Christ. Perhaps, we are just 3 people that love & respect each other. It could be the fun times we shared in our younger years. Maybe it's because our lives intersected at such a tender time, a time when we were transitioning into adulthood. We have beautiful memories, but today was equally beautiful. Talking to these 2 women is so easy. Spending time with them is more than words can say...

Dedicated to:  Judy & Virginia

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a perfect day, Susie! I am so glad -- I think when we meet friends like you met yours, in our college years, our lives are so vibrant and full of possibility. Then, just a blink of an eye and it's 28 years or in my case, 34 years later, and we are just as close as back then, but a lifetime has passed -- kids, heartaches, happy times. . .but the fact that we "transitioned" into adulthood with these friends is something so special it needs to be cherished. It sounds like you 3 have done just that and I am so happy to read your story, once again! :) Love you, Sherry
