Wednesday, August 15, 2012

one. memorable. day.

Yesterday was the one year marker of the discovery of my cancer. It marked the day fear overtook my whole being like an unending electrical charge. From the second my lump was discovered, life changed. The days that followed have NOT blurred into one. I distinctly remember the progression of the next 5 days as if it were yesterday. The past year has been a roller coaster of emotions, many of which I have shared with those who follow my blog.

So today, I am blogging about yesterday. I feel it is important that as a family, we (my husband & daughters) had to acknowledge the one year marker of such a life changing day. However, since I've not walked through these waters before, I really didn't know what kind of emotions to expect. So... I decided that thankfulness & closeness would be a good approach.

I rounded up my three daughters who mean more to me than life itself, & we headed for Chicago. I created our first annual Mother/Daughter Day. Hopefully, there will be lots more to come! God seemed to be smiling on us as He gave us a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. Lake Michigan never looked prettier. It resembled the ocean with a blue/green cast that met with a vibrant blue sky. We felt refreshed by an ever-present breeze.

We parked underground which was an adventure in itself. We hailed a taxi & headed for Navy Pier. We dined at Bubba Gump's & then explored Navy Pier. Yes, we rode the big ferris wheel & even the carousel. We laugh & joked & listened to each other's woes. We reminisced about childhood & the silly things I did as a mother. I could only laugh sheepishly as they remembered my antics.

Yes, I did sneak into their closets while they said their nightly prayers & munch on their Halloween candy. Snickers Bites were my favorite. I did threaten my middle daughter with my Diet Pepsi when she refused to get out of bed for school every morning. I began by sipping it in her ear followed by spilling a few drops on her face. I was not exactly conventional & probably shouldn't admit to such quirkiness.

The highlight of our day (other than just being with my support team) was our segway tour of Chicago. I was the first of us to receive training. I was so nervous, my whole body tensed up. Middle daughter began her training like she was on a bucking bronco. The oldest thought it was much more difficult than expected. The youngest caught on quickly but was terrified by the rest of us. We felt like we were the problem family in our tour group.

As the tour progressed, thankfully so did our skills. By the halfway mark, we were all pros. We saw Buckingham Fountain, the Art Institute, & many noteworthy landmarks. The best part for me, was riding the segway down Lakeshore Drive & enjoying the beautiful lake. In single file order, we crossed busy streets while traffic seemed to yield to us. People seemed to be laughing at us as we dorkily went on our way with  our bright orange helmets. Our tour guide commented that he had never before had such a giggly group as my family. I took that as quite a compliment.

My expectations of our first annual Mother/Daughter Celebration far exceeded my hopes. My daughters caught on early that this was an important day for me. They humored me in every way, even allowing excessive picture taking. They humbled themselves, put on the stunning orange helmets, & smiled all along the way. They looked out for me & never let me out of their sight. By the end of the day, we were discussing our plans for next year. We made a pact to keep this day as our special day. They even posted on their FB walls about how much the day meant to them.

These girls (along with their husbands & their Dad) have walked me through this year in ways I never dreamed possible. They have shed many tears for me. They have questioned God & asked the questions I could never bring myself to ask. They have accompanied me to many appointments, sat through scans, life changing surgery, radiation, & other unspeakable tests. They have tearfully waited for results. They have lifted me up in prayer daily. They have changed my drains, shaved my head, helped me get my head on straight, watched me suffer, suffered with me, & wiped my tears. They have each in their own special way tended to my needs & made me feel whole.

Yesterday was a day of celebration. We celebrated relationship. We celebrated life. We celebrated the most tender year of our lives & yet probably the most meaningful. They are three of my greatest blessings. They are the most enduring & endearing thing I've ever done. Together & individually, they have picked me up & carried me with their beloved father through this year. Looking back... I can only be thankful!


  1. No one deserves a more perfect day that you and your girls had than you, Susie! I am so glad it was all and more than you could have ever imagined! Let's get together soon! You can still eat Sweet Ce Ce's on your new diet, right? I hope so -- and this time we will go through that line twice!!! :)
