Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Yesterday,  a few treasures came my way. I met with a friend of a friend who wanted to interview me. She is an inspirational speaker, & she wanted my input. Yes, I am both honored & humbled. Of course, the greater blessing came my way. I now have a new friend, a caring friend. She is no longer a friend of a friend, but my friend too. She's a Survivor & full of treasures that are similar to mine. She walked this journey some years ago, yet as I looked into her eyes, I could see that her treasures, her lessons learned, are still quite alive. They are fresh. In fact, I believe they are her motivation for her beautiful ministry. She wants to help others comfort people in my shoes.

Her questions were simple & personal, yet not invasive. I told her nothing was off limits. I love to answer questions, & more importantly,  I hope God will use my words to comfort another soul. The treasure from my journey she seemed to like the most: I am thankful for the still small voice of God & the touch of the Holy Spirit on my heart. That's all I have some days, & that's what gets me through each moment. In essence, she said  that is her point. That's what she wants people to know.

The treasure she gave me was HOPE. It wasn't just her words. It was the look in her eye. The compassion she felt toward me. Her words were meant to heal. Her way was kind & caring. What caught my ear the most? She said she wouldn't trade her journey. We both agreed the lessons on this journey have eternal value. She said every step was worth it to her because of the treasures she found.

I have another friend who is a Survivor of a different kind of cancer. Early on in my journey, she told me she misses her  journey because it kept her close to God. I can't help but marvel at a God who allows us or gives us these journeys to bring us closer to Him. I'm not saying He wants us to be sick. I am saying that like a father cradling a feverish child, a father who is pained because his child is ill, He cradles us. Walking a journey cradling your sick child is painful. I know I am cradled in His arms. I have never been without His presence.

for: Mari

1 comment:

  1. Susie, You made my day--both yesterday--and today! I thought it was great that you'd make time in your day for me. I so appreciate your transparency and your "open book" policy.

    When you shared about the still, small voice and the Spirit, that did capture the essence of what, or rather, Who walks through it all with us. It really is that still, small voice reassuring us that brings us through with a sweetness I wouldn't trade for anything. Such tenderness in each "I am here," especially when we're feeling fragile and alone.

    And what a good God to bring friends into our lives on this path no one would chose. 'Makes me think of something my sister's friend says: "That God, He's always up to something." =) Glad He stirred up some Starbucks time for us. It was my pleasure, girl.
