Will God make everything okay? Honestly, I don't know... Sometimes God heals the heart but not the body. At least that's what I've heard preached & even sung in songs. A few days ago, I felt so alive, revived, refurbished... I felt I had my answer. I had life ahead of me, a future here on earth. Today, I feel like it's a crap shoot (though my head knows otherwise).
You see, I have this very caring doctor that is going to great lengths to improve my cure rate. I don't believe in coincidence so I know my being placed in his care is not by chance. He is personally overseeing every detail of my case. He says my case is complicated. I wish I would have asked him what makes it so.
My simulation took twice as long as it normally does. It was tedious lying perfectly still for so long. I normally flinch without warning, & being still is a challenge for my body. As I lay on the hospital stretcher in a very quirky position, incapsulated by a vast roaring machine, I decided I better entertain myself. I sang an odd combination of 2 songs over & over in my head, I Surrender All & Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty. What is wrong with me?
I'll soon be going to a Lymphedema Clinic because this kind doctor fears the radiation will cause lymphedema in my arm. I'm okay with that; I just didn't know radiation caused lymphedema. My radiation will be at least 5 days/week for 6 weeks. That, I expected. I'll be monitored once a week by my radiologist, in addition to my Herceptin Infusions every 3 weeks.
It's only for a season, not a life time. At least that's what my common sense tells me. Every day, I'm meeting amazing people; they are either fellow sojourners or people caring for me, administering my treatments. Each door opens a new world in my life. Once I open that door, I begin to get my bearings, & settle down. I suppose that's what this week is about, opening new doors & settling down.
Back to my original question: Will God make everything okay? Ultimately, of course, He will. That's what Heaven is for, to wipe away my every tear. In Heaven, it's a promise: no more suffering, no more evil. I can count on that! In the meantime, I believe I'll have to take one day at a time. Truly, I think that is how we are supposed to live. Others are capable of such, & with God's grace, I will be too.
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