Before I begin this blog, I would like to thank anyone who reads it. It has been very healing for me to blog. I never imagined how it would help me heal & give me a purpose. Sometimes, I am awakened in the night & feel there is something I am supposed to share. Other times, I'm bored so I literally blog to save my sanity. It works. Usually, when I begin my blog, I only have a thought or an idea. It takes me about an hour & 1/2 to write each blog. Prior to this experience, I really didn't even know I had a blog in me or furthermore, enjoyed writing. Bless each of you who read it & take time to encourage me. I believe God is leading me, & I will do all I can to keep it that way. It will cease if/when I no longer feel His leading.
So the question that's been on my mind lately is...WHAT IF I AM WRONG? What if I have invested my life (for as long as I can remember) in Christ, & it turns out, I am wrong? What if the Holy Bible is not God-breathed? What If Jesus turns out to be a lunatic or a liar & not my Savior? What if the Holy Spirit doesn't exist, & I am misguided? What if I have spent my whole life serving someone who is at best concocted?
My friend asked me today if I have ever turned away from God. My answer: No. I have followed Christ my whole life. If anything, in the last decade, I have loved Him more deeply. In the last few months, He has sustained me. So... what if I have spent my life in vain?
I follow a CaringBridge site in which the mom whose young child has a cancerous brain tumor always signs off with 2 words... no regrets. I too would like to claim those 2 words. If everything I believe in, everything I put my hope in, everything I trust, turns out to be a hoax, I will have no regrets.
At this point, I know some people will call me a fool. I am perfectly okay with being called a fool for my beliefs. What is the worst that could happen as a result of spending my life following Christ? I will have spent my whole life trying to be Christ like.What does that mean? Perhaps I will have turned my cheek one too many times. Maybe I will actually have forgiven someone 70 X 7. When I die, maybe my body will just rot in the ground instead of my soul finding an eternal home in Heaven. I think that if my faith turns out to be a joke, my hope in Christ will still have saved my life. Without Him, my anxiety would be over the top. And... what about the Holy Spirit & the still small voice of God I claim to hear? If this peace that surpasses all understanding turns out not to be of God, what harm has it caused?
So... I stake my claim. I haven't always gotten it right. I've made a whole hoard of mistakes. I've had to apologize to my loved ones time & again. I've uttered words I wish I could retract. I've been self-righteous. I've been judgmental. I've lacked confidence. I've worried uncontrollably. I've hurt others' feelings. At times, I've made a fool of myself (but not for believing in Christ). I cannot hear the name of Jesus without my body eliciting an emotional response. Why? Because there is power in His name. If I am wrong, it's okay. I have never hurt another person for striving to be like Christ. I will have no regrets for placing my heart & my hope in Jesus.
Thank-you for another thought provoking blog.
ReplyDeleteI think the only regret I have is the time I wasted apart from the Lord. And yet, faith is something you can not give to someone else. I believe they can see it more by our own transformations. Who we were before Christ. Hopefully the change is very clear.
I can not look at anything in nature, and not see God's hand print all over it. Even the first time I felt one of my babies kick inside me, or the peace that floods my heart in situations that would have taken me down once upon a time.
Christ in me...Christ around me...Christ beside me. I believe those are not just words.
So I'm with you Susie, I too stake the claim.
This quote I read just today speaks as well.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." —Jim Elliot
My prayer is for the fool who refuses to acknowledge, that so saddens my heart.
Susie, you have Jesus written all over your life, and I believe it's changing lives.
I love Jim Elliot. He is one of my heroes!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comments & encouragement!