Wednesday, January 30, 2013

& so it goes...

Today, a person for whom I am very thankful turned 90. He is my stepfather. I knew him as a child. He went to my church & had 3 sons. After I left home for college, he & my dad became best friends. He & his wife & my parents shared many happy memories. The 4 of them even came to visit me one time when my children were young.

His wife passed away about a year after  my dad died. A few years went by, & he began to court my mother. He used to call himself Grandma's boyfriend, & we would laugh. The 2 of them were fun to watch. I soon realized that dating in your 60's was little different than in your teens. My mom was giggly & giddy. One would have thought she was just 16. I think that's the age he made her feel.

Finally, one Christmas, he proposed. He bought my mother a beautiful ring. She was shy about showing it. I don't think she could believe she was getting married. Their wedding was simple. The grandchildren were their wedding party. We had a small celebration afterwards.

The years have passed. My children have grown up. I thank him for all the times he brought my mother to see me. I thank him for being a companion to my mother. He always welcomed my girls & me. Even after a long week of listening to them fight, giggle, perform, & cry, he hugged them each goodnight & grinned from ear to ear when they hugged him back.  He ate whatever I cooked & even seemed to like it.

Now... he spends each day lovingly caring for my mother. He's always happy when I call. He tucks her in at night & fixes her breakfast every morning. He even has a routine. One day it's eggs, the next it's oatmeal, then Raisin Brand, & so it goes. A couple times a week, he takes her to sit & look at the Lake (her favorite past time). Sometimes, they even share an ice-cream or a hot dog.

He likes to feed the wild life that visit their home. It's part of his daily ritual. It provides a sanctuary of animals to entertain my mother. He's a master at woodwork & very proud of each piece of art. After all, his livelihood was construction. He was a dental assistant in WWII. One time, he even operated on my daughter. In the blink of an eye, he relieved her pain.

So as my step father turns 90 today, I count him as one of my greatest blessings in life. He is sweet to my mother. He is her security. When she is afraid, she asks for him. Together, they have blessed 16 grandchildren for over 10 years. Each time I call, I tell him, "I love you." He responds with an "I love you." If only he knew how thankful I am.

Written for:  Everett

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