Tuesday, January 14, 2014

...not exactly what we first thought.

It's very early morning, & I am awake. My husband is sleeping, & my mind cannot be turned off. So... after an hour of fighting sleep, I decided to move out to our little living room & write this blog. I'm actually asking for prayer. The commentary to yesterday's Daily Bible Verse suggested we share what's on our hearts with others so they can join us in prayer.

So... here goes... Today an adjuster is coming to look at our home which is one of the few houses still standing in our neighborhood. At first glance, it looked as though we had much to be thankful for (& we do, just not exactly what we first thought). We even had people tell us that at least our home was still standing. We didn't lose everything. True (we thought). But... as time marches on, things are playing out differently.

Yesterday, my husband talked to someone I greatly respect. He said that in some ways, the people left in limbo are taking things harder than those who lost everything immediately. I have always believed that living in limbo is one of the hardest places to live. We were one of the first homes to have an adjuster on the scene. We didn't know whether we should be thankful or not that he deemed our house could be repaired.

Now that a few months have passed, our home has continued to self destruct (mainly from the harsh weather elements). It had an ice rink in the kitchen last week. The roof is caving in now in 2 more places. I really don't have the words to describe its condition other than nightmarish. When I walk in this house I once called home, I am haunted & in disbelief.

We are grateful we are alive. We are grateful our neighbors are all accounted for. Even our cat & dog are unharmed (at least physically)! We are grateful we were not at home when the tornado hit. These are facts we will never take for granted. We have worked with a very kind woman making a list of the contents of our home. I have to say... she made that as easy as possible (still a tedious task).

Today I am going to our home to walk through the rubbish with a new adjuster. Yes... this is his second trip to our home which makes a total of 4 visits (or more). Other homes are going up; ours still has not come down. The limbo is wearing on us. People drive by our home & tell us it is caving in. The garage is now slanting toward the living room. It seems to be a no brainer that the home needs to be demolished. I don't usually ask why. I never question the fact that our home was in the path of the tornado.

But today, I ask why. Why is our house not being condemned when it so obviously is beyond repair? If we could get this resolved, I think it would help our frame of mind. I don't believe we are asking for something that is unreasonable. We want our home to be safe. I trust in my Heavenly Father that it will be restored. He has greatly blessed us beyond belief in so many ways. I think of the words to a hymn we sang Sunday in church..."Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well with my soul, It is well." It is well.

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