Sunday, February 2, 2014

Why God, Why Me?

As life marches on after the tornado, I try to keep my eyes & ears attuned to how God is meeting my needs. Sometimes, I am stunned by the little things. Other times, I feel as though he has tailor made certain things just for me. And then I realize… yes, He has. I know I don't deserve His pampering. I can only be awed.

I think we (as humans) tend to ask, "Why, God, why me?" when bad things happen. My response is, "Why not me, God?" No one is immune to hardship. But, when good things happen (on the flip side), I want to ask, "Why God, why me?" As most all my friends know, on November 17, our home was ravaged by a tornado. For quite a while, we waited in limbo while others' homes seemed to be going down right & left. Our house is still the lone house standing on our part of the block, but soon, it too, will be bulldozed.

About 3 weeks ago, in utter frustration, I asked for prayer (through my blog & via face book). A few days later, we received a phone call seemingly out of the blue from our 3rd insurance adjuster (all through the same insurance company) telling us he was stopping the process, our house would be condemned. It was almost to good to be true. We wondered if it was for real.

When we ask others to join us in prayer, when we take our needs to God, when we place our trust in Him, why are we surprised when He meets our needs? Why does it seem as if it came out of the blue or is too good to be true. Our God is so much bigger than we can grasp. Of course, in the blink of an eye, He can turn things around. He can cause a call to come out of the blue. He can turn the unreal into for real.

Here's the thing… we have been thinking about moving for quite some time. Moving is a hard thing to do because we've accumulated too much stuff over the years & we loved our home, our neighbors, & our community. So, the thought of moving was always overwhelming. Our only reason for moving was to find a ranch home to accommodate my neurological issues. Going up & down steps is becoming increasingly more difficult for me.

As the dust began to settle, & we began to have a more complete picture, we realized that building a ranch on our lot would be difficult if not impossible. We also realized that time was against us in one very important aspect, our grand babies. If we didn't get settled until Fall,  we would miss out on our grand babies. A year in their little lives is significant. I want to enjoy them to the fullest. I don't want to miss their first year.

So God in His Goodness allowed us to find a ranch home in a nearby community. It is near our grand daughter, & only 5 minutes from our church. It's not bigger than what we had, but it meets our needs & our desires perfectly. In just a few weeks, it will be ours. Though we are sad to leave our caring neighbors, we cannot help but sense God's provision in all of this. We  are grateful we were able to raise our family amongst such kind people. We will not be far, & we will keep in touch.

So again, I must ask, "Why God, why me?" Why do I get to be excited about our new home? The tornado actually simplified my life. All the stuff I accumulated is no more. We have very little to move. Nothing much to pack. As my health issues evolve, I will be in a home that will suit my needs. "Why God, why me?" As my grand babies grow & change from month to month, they can come to Grandma's. My home will be a home to them. I will be able to dote on them as my mama did for my children. "Why God, why me?"


  1. Loved this post, Susie! Please let us know if you need any help moving, cleaning the new house, etc., We would love to help any way we can!
