Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A smile can save a life.

Yesterday was a special day. I spent time with a cherished friend. That is simply enough for me. I believe friendship is one of our greatest gifts. Friends help our wounds heal. They listen to us, share their own troubles, & somehow magically make us feel better. A good friend is a tailor made gift from our Heavenly Father. I believe human beings are God's most tangible way of hugging us.

Today was a beautiful day. I spent time with a treasured friend. Yes, we sat for hours sharing our joys, our sorrows, & our hopes. We cried, & we laughed. We ate, & got a few drink refills. The snow came down, & time passed, but we were unaware. A good friend is good medicine. We called it "our snow day."

I believe God created us to need each other. Yes... some people have a stronger need for other human beings, but everybody needs somebody. We are meant to carry each others' burdens, to help one another, comfort each other, & sometimes even guide one another. Being a shoulder is one of the greatest gifts we can offer our loved ones. Accepting a shoulder is sometimes one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves.

Lately, I've been thinking much about kindness. Many Christians believe that an act of kindness without an explanation is inadequate. They seem to be saying that if you don't explain the reason for your kindness (that is Jesus),  you miss an opportunity. I'm not sure I agree.

The Bible teaches us to be kind to one another. It says that "we will be known by our love." I think it's important to share Christ when the Holy Spirit leads us. Sometimes, I believe a simple kindness is all that's required, perhaps even what is best in some situations in terms of reaching another soul for Christ. When we try to push salvation on another person, we are guilty of shoving our Christianity down another person's throat. The end result is usually the opposite of what we hoped would happen.

So... whether it's a smile, a kind word, a shoulder, or an act of service.... However we express kindness, I believe it is valuable in reaching others for Christ. A smile can save a life. It doesn't even involve words. Sometimes we need to be bold enough to share Christ. Other times, we need to just build a relationship so that one day, when the person's heart is ripened, someone can share the right words at the right time. Just my opinion.

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