Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today HELP came. As we traveled to the  wreckage of our home, we were both in tears. My husband wept. We felt hopeless & overwhelmed. So many decisions need to be made,  but we are unable to think. We still could not get to our home. It took 3 attempts. Our hearts were heavy. We were weary. We had no game plan. We couldn't agree on anything. We couldn't understand each other. Life was bleak.

As we approached our rubble, a dear friend informed me that HELP was on the way. Her husband was on his way with his employees, trucks, & trailers. Our unvoiced prayers were answered. We did nothing to deserve such help; yet there we were, being helped. Suddenly in the midst of our storm, we saw a ray of hope.

As the sun began to seep through the dark cloud that rested above our heads & in our hearts, I noticed that our voices began to strengthen. We began to treat each other better, to understand each other. A game plan soon developed, & before we knew it, our daughter & her husband met us on the premises. My daughter's eyes welled up with tears as childhood memories flooded her whole being.

We didn't know where to begin... My daughter called her best friend for help. Her husband lovingly packed up the basement. I knew nothing was too much to ask this kind young man. As the day passed, dear friends dropped in to help. Each person that came brought another ray of hope. We packed & we packed & we packed.

Highlights: My son-in-law unexpectedly found my wedding rings. Caring people stopped by to help. My friend's husband brought his employees, trucks, & trailers. Our attitudes improved. Our hearts began to heal. With HELP came HOPE. We worked hard. Lighting was bad. Water damage was gross. It was chilly. But even in the midst of the wreckage, HOPE reigned. As the sun went down, despite the falling temperature, I felt warm inside.

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