Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Last week I assigned my Bible Study a little bit of home work. I asked them to brainstorm & see how many ironies in the Bible they could come up within 5 minutes. I believe that looking at the ironies helps one appreciate the greatness of our God. I think I too should complete the homework assignment. So here goes...

Jesus (a king) was born in hay. Even thought His arrival was prophesied, it seems very few knew what to expect. He had no riches. He didn't wear a crown except for one made of thorns the day He was nailed to a cross. God always seems to work through the simple. For instance, our king was born of a  virgin teenage girl.  Not really what you'd expect if you didn't know the scriptures. Following Him means putting Him before anyone or anything. It's not about rules; it's about relationship. Hmmnnnn... most memberships involve dues, rules, perhaps an oath, maybe even a secret password. Trust is all that's required to live eternally with this king.

Although we were originally given 10 Commandments in the Old Testament, Jesus compiled them into one. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, & strength, & your neighbor as yourself." Jesus loved the disenfranchised. He seemed to be drawn to them like a magnet. Seems to be the opposite of kings both past & present. We expect them to be surrounded by wealth & riches, body guards, etc. I don't believe Jesus ever had a body guard.

He was betrayed by a kiss. That beats all. A symbol of affection & love was used to identify Him so that He might be put to death. Even though He turned water into wine, walked on water, calmed the wind, healed the sick, & drove out demons, people rejected Him. The miracles Moses performed gave him credibility. The miracles Jesus performed caused controversy. 

God sees the heart. That's all that matters. So what's on the outside is not what's important. Before it's all said & done, "Every knee shall bow & every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Even the demons recognize Him. Believing He is who He said He was isn't enough. Following Him is required. He was put to death for blaspheme, for claiming to be who He is. Ironic. I think my 5 minutes is up. 

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