Wednesday, July 4, 2012

18 inches

The distance between our head & our hearts is 18 inches.  It's been said that some people miss Heaven by 18 inches. I believe the joy we experience in our day to day lives is also contingent upon that 18 inches.  Getting my heart to claim what my head knows sometimes takes effort. It doesn't come naturally. The statements listed in the next paragraph are powerful words if you believe in them. Some of them come from the Bible. Some of them do not. All of them have meaning in my life...

It's what's on the inside that matters. Our flaws are what make us beautiful. As a woman ages, her outward beauty fades, but her inner beauty becomes more radiant. Nothing can snatch you from the palm of God's hand. All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.  Suffering produces perseverance. Perseverance, character, & character, hope. The very hairs on your head are numbered; do not be afraid. Hope does not disappoint us. It's not the number of days in your life, but the life you put into each day. There will be no more suffering & no more tears in Heaven. God is love. Our earthly life is a vapor in the wind.  The treasures we find in our suffering equip us for Heaven. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. FORGIVE each other. True love puts the other person first. People who live to love, love to love. You will be forgiven as you forgive others.  "What you do unto the least of these, you do unto me." (Jesus)   The last shall be first, the first shall be last.  What comes out of your mouth is what's overflowing in your heart. 2 are stronger than 1. The little things in life make a big difference.  True love waits.  It's better to wear out than rust out. Nobody is immune to tragedy. Faith is being sure of what we hope for, & certain of what we do not see. Always be prepared to give your testimony. Love your neighbor as yourself. Count your blessings, name them 1 by 1.  Serve without discrimination & without guarantee. The key to humility is to get your eyes off yourself.  God's grace is enough. "I am the way, the truth, & the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." (Jesus)

These words are words that change my perspective. They are words by which to live my life. When I wrap my head around them & hold them in my heart, I find the deepest joy, the greatest peace, & the most fulfillment in my life, regardless of my circumstances. What we do with our 18 inches is our choice. When the head & the heart become aligned, I believe we are empowered to do great things.

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