Monday, May 7, 2012


This week is National Nurses Week. It has new & special meaning to me for 2 reasons. The first being my beautiful middle daughter officially became a nurse this year. The second being the many kind & compassionate nurses that have become a part of my life over the last 9 months. Here's what I've learned about nurses this year:

#1   The best nurses feel called to be nurses.
#2   When a good nurse leaves her job, she is missed.
#3   The best ones explain in simple terms what they are about to do to you.
#4   The caring ones don't hesitate to hug you (if they can).
#5   Some of them even pray for you.
#6   They will go an extra mile for you.
#7   Some of them cry for you.
#8   They all have worries of their own.
#9   Their jobs can be stressful.
#10  They are not immune to your illness.
#11  Sometimes they bear the wrath of the doctor, the patient, & the family.
#12  Their shift can be long & exhausting.
#13  They are the hands & feet of the doctor.
#14  They care.
#15  Sometimes their tasks are unpleasant; that's putting it mildly.
#16  They are perceptive.
#17  They are human beings.
#18  Their jobs can be thankless.
#19  They comfort those who suffer.
#20  They give practical advice.
#21  They have servant's hearts.
#22  They put themselves in the patients' shoes.
#23  They expect nothing in return.
#24  If asked a question, they find an answer.
#25  Often they have chosen their profession because they have suffered or
           loved someone who has suffered.

Nursie:  My term of affection for my sweet daughter who is a nurse. I love you, Haley, & I am in awe of what you do. My life has been so enriched by my nurses.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susie, you don't know me but we have a friend in common, Melissa Smith. She was my sister in law, she is now my sister in Christ and dear friend. I found your blog through one of her comments and being the nosey (though, I prefer, curious...) person that I am, I peeked! Your writing is beautiful, honest, and drew me in. This post, in particular, got me because I am a nurse. And you nailed it with each of your 25 thoughts on nurses. Thank you for a lovely description of what we do and what we are, or at least most of us. Thank you, and I can't promise I won't peek again, but I do promise to pray for you.
