Saturday, April 7, 2012


Thursday night we did something we haven't done in a long time. We went to an evening church service, to prepare our hearts for Easter. We sat at round tables (family style) & shared in the Lord's Supper together. I loved this experience for many reasons: #1 I love preparing my heart for something so special as Easter.  #2  I love the friend who invited us to share a table. #3  I enjoyed visiting with some sweet people after the service. #4  We sang 2 of my favorite songs, "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)" & "I Surrender All."  Both of these songs were part of my healing service last Fall.

The Pastor asked a valid question, a question we should all ask ourselves. Where would we be if Jesus hadn't died on the cross? Many times I've pondered the question, Where would I be without my faith? The answer is quite simple: I would be overcome with anxiety & unable to function. I would live according to my fears & therefore not really be living at all. I think the Pastor's question was asking me something with a new twist. "Where would I be if Easter never occurred? If  Good Friday never happened, if Jesus never walked that lonely road, & shed his blood for my ridiculous sins?" 

There are 2 ways to answer the Pastor's question. One way looks at the world as a whole & sees it as if an event in history never occurred. Where would the world be? The other takes it personally & asks, Where would I be? Both answers are vitally important to the follower of Christ. The view of how history would be changed, I believe, is what drives the Christ follower to love others. The more personal view allows the follower of Christ to never take his life for granted. A price was dearly paid for his eternal life, & we who trust in Christ must never forget what was suffered on our account. We must hold Easter close to our hearts NOT just on Easter, but every day.

Without Christ paying a price for our sins, I believe we would live much as the people we learn about in the Old Testament. I think it's better I was born into today's world. I don't think I could bare to slaughter precious lambs to pay for my sins. The thought of that is not pleasing to me. In fact, it kind of curdles my stomach. I think we would be bound by legalism, by perfection. We would always be striving to live by the law. Because we are imperfect, we could never attain such holiness, & we would have to sacrifice animals to pay for our sins.

Because Jesus literally sweat drops of blood for me, carried a heavy cross to Calvary, & was temporarily separated from His Heavenly Father, my sins are forgiven. I now have an opportunity to have a loving relationship with my Savior, & to be seen blameless by my Heavenly Father. As the song says... I owed a debt I could not pay, He payed a debt He did not owe. 

Without this invaluable relationship with Christ, my life would be in vain. I would not have a peace which surpasses my understanding (which as of late is sometimes lacking). I would not have the ever present comfort & guidance of the Holy Spirit, the best earthly benefit of following Christ. He also counsels, heals, & convicts. He changes hearts. I don't think we as human beings (whether we have a relationship with Christ or not) can even begin to imagine our world if Christ had not come to save our souls. His impact is beyond words. I'm thankful to ponder Easter from both a worldy & a personal point of view. The consequences of a faith without a Savior are bleak whichever way you look at it. Without Christ, what would be the point?

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