Thursday, April 5, 2012

What more could I ask?

Sunshine & friendship have something in common. I believe they both are good for the soul. Lately, I have hesitated to put anything on my calendar. I've been waiting for my radiation schedule & don't want to have to undo & reschedule my plans. Each week for about 2 weeks now, I have been told, I will hear the next week. Then, 5 more business days pass by... &, I hear nothing. If I call to check in, I am told, "Next week." No explanation offered. I think this cycle has now repeated itself twice.

So... my plans have been of a spontaneous nature. I don't usually know what I am doing until the night before or the morning of each day (unless it's an appointment). I also find myself once again trying to cram anything I can into my preradiation days. I am told my side effects are inevitable, so I really don't know what kind of shape I will be in once we finally get started.

Yesterday was a day that turned out to be Heaven sent. The weather only improved as the day evolved. By afternoon, I was outside basking in the sun like a cat, enjoying the warmth it provided. I was following my new kitty around on a leash & enjoying every moment of her explorations. If cuteness is in the eye of the beholder, she soars off the charts!

My friend & I had lunch & sat on her porch for an hour. Bella was with us & had to be captured twice as her break free collar broke free. We laughed, we shared, we had the time of our lives (like we always do). It's the simple things, just being together. We hugged each other good-bye & thanked each other for a beautiful visit.

Next stop: introducing Bella to another dear friend. We only had a few minutes. I didn't know if Bella was on the verge of needing a potty break. We had time to catch up, share a few laughs, & a hug or two. As we parted, we wished we had more time together, yet we both understand where we are with our medical situations. As we parted, our eyes met. The compassion we share for each other is unable to be put into words.

My husband had a meeting last night, a rare occurrence in our lives. Our Pastor & his wife brought us a beautiful home cooked Southern meal. I'm not sure I've ever tasted anything so delicious! Corn bread pudding, what a treat! They sat with me for an hour or so. My husband was sorry he missed them. I am too, but having them present while I was on my own was the sweetest part of the lovely meal. Getting to know them & being loved by them soothes my soul. His words always find a forever spot in my heart. Her words comfort like no other.

As the day came to a close, 2 dear friends stopped in to meet my new treasure. We reminisced about so many things. Again, we laughed, we shared, & promised to pray for each others' burdens. It was getting late, & my husband was on his way home. He too had things to share. He's going to China in September to love the "least of the least," orphans with disabilities. God is already orchestrating behind the scenes with His mighty hand. It will be so exciting to watch this trip unfold.

My unplanned day turned out to be quite fulfilling. As I said good night to my sweet husband, I felt revived. The warmth of the sunshine & the warmth of caring friends:  really, what more could I ask?

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